Discover Marseille

Discover Marseille

Rich in heritage, traditions, culture, colors, languages, and stories it’s no wonder that Marseille had chosen as one of the must-see European cities,

A port city in southern France, founded by the Greeks circa 600 B.C and been a crossroads of immigration and trade ever since.

Marseille is known for its Vieux-Port (old port), where fishmongers sell their daily catch along the boat-lined quay. Basilique Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde is a Romanesque-Byzantine church. Modern landmarks include Le Corbusier’s influential Cité Radieuse complex and Zaha Hadid’s CMA CGM Tower

Visiting Marseille you will enjoy culture, history, sites, food, amazing atmosphere, and must-see places that contribute to the influence of the city with more than 26 centuries of history.

Marseille must-see sites

The Calanques National Park - A natural wonder

The cliffs of the Calanques are a natural wonder nestled between Marseille and Cassis. With pebble and fine sandy beaches, and miniature fjords with turquoise waters and extraordinary underwater flora, this biodiverse jewel looks just like a postcard!
The cliffs of the Calanques are a natural wonder nestled between Marseille and Cassis. With pebble and fine sandy beaches, and miniature fjords with turquoise waters and extraordinary underwater flora, this biodiverse jewel looks just like a postcard!

the Mecca of architecture and heritage

With nearly 45,000 sqm spread over three sites, the Mucem is a must-see in Marseille.
It is located at the entrance to the port and offers you three places to visit.
The Mediterranean gallery is dedicated to Mediterranean civilizations, The second set will focus on temporary exhibitions and, The ‘Saint-Jean fort’ a stopover full of rewarding surprises, the new Mediterranean garden, the ‘wealth’ of its Arts collection and popular traditions, and Mediterranean contemporary creation.

The Orange Velodrome Stadium

one of the symbols of Marseille. The city regularly gets carried away during football games in the stadium. Enjoy an exclusive tour of the Velodrome Stadium where many football celebrities have played. this legendary place is also full of history and has been at the heart of the Phocaea city for over 80 years!

‘Notre Dame de la Garde’ basilica

Emblem of the city of Marseille, Notre Dame watches over sailors, fishermen, and the people of Marseille. Because of its external and internal architectural beauty, and magnificent 360 degrees of view all over the city, the basilica is the most visited monument in the city of Marseille.

The ‘Vieux Port’ (Old Port)

Located at the bottom of the famous ‘Canebière’, is one of the symbols of the city. It is the focal point of Marseille’s history, gatherings, major events, and fireworks, it is the landmark of the people of Marseille!
To this day, the ‘Vieux Port’ remains Marseille’s vibrant hub guarded over by Notre Dame de la Garde.

'Palais Longchamp’

The ‘Palais Longchamp’ is a must-see in Marseille: with a beautiful surrounding park, this historical monument was built to bring water to the city and is a truly outstanding architectural achievement. Here you could also visit the museums of ‘Palais Longchamp’ with fine art displays and Nature history, additionally to a very popular park with the people of Marseille.

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